Action Regulation
(E) Action Geometry for the Terrified - Dean Reyburn, RPT, Reyburn Pianoworks
(E) Key Levelling 101 - Chris Brown, RPT, Boston, MA Chapter
(E) Key Weigh-off 101 - Dean Reyburn, RPT, Reyburn Pianoworks & David Hughes, RPT, Baltimore, MD Chapter
(E) Regulating Everyday - Ryan Sowers, RPT, Puget Sound, WA Chapter
(E) Three Regulations - Ed Foote, RPT, Nashville, TN Chapter
(E) Upright Dampers Factory Style - David Jenkin, New Zealand
Business, Networking & Misc.
(E) Building a 12-week Apprenticeship Program - Timothy Barnes, RPT, Gazelle
(E) Creating Estimates that Sell - Timothy Barnes, RPT, Gazelle
(E) Grow with Gazelle - Luke Ehresman & Timothy Barnes, RPT, Gazelle
(E) Gut Taxes? - John Gallen, Connecticut Chapter
(E) The Impact Tact - Ashley Vinson & Ty Uphoff, RPT, Vanguard Piano Service
(E) Piano Appraisal and the Technician - Brian Janey, San Diego County, CA Chapter
(E) Pricing Your Services - Timothy Barnes, RPT, Gazelle
(E) Rebuilding Shop Gone Wild (Mobile) - Kendall Hamermehl, RPT, Calgary, AB Chapter
(E) RU Socially Secure?? - John Gallen, Connecticut Chapter
(E) Doubling (or Tripling) Your Revenue - Timothy Barnes, RPT, Gazelle
(E) Flip It…Flip It Good! - Michael Stilwell, Phoenix, AZ Chapter
College & University Technicians (CAUT)
(E) CAUT Forum - Mike Reiter, RPT, Eugene, OR Chapter
(E) The Contracted Technician - Mike Reiter, RPT, Eugene, OR Chapter
(E) Guide to Effective Selection, Training and Supervision of Piano Shop Assistants - Alan Eder, RPT, Los Angeles, CA Chapter
(E) Navigating Red Tape for the University Technician - Corbin Sturch, Houston, TX Chapter & Dr. Andrew Davis, University of Houston
Design & History
(B) An Alternative Viewpoint on Vibrating Piano Strings - Dan Levitan, RPT, New York City Chapter & David Koenig, Southern Tier, NY Chapter
(E) Hands-on Harpsichords - Jason Cassel, RPT, Salt Lake City, UT & Mike Reiter, RPT, Eugene, OR Chapter
(B) Nomenclature & Technical Terms - Michah Sundholm, RPT, Eugene, OR Chapter
Electronic Tuning Devices
(E) Cybertuner - Tuning with the New AI Mode - Nate Reyburn, RPT, & Carl Lieberman, RPT, Reyburn Cybertuner
(E) Tune Jitsu: Ergonomic Tuning - Nate Reyburn, RPT, Reyburn Tools
(E) Rebuild Your Neck and Shoulders: Useful Yoga for Piano Technicians - Jon Loyd, RPT, Nashville, TN Chapter
This class will focus on useful Yoga techniques, using the piano and various 'everyday" props, to counter the physical strains of piano tech work. Previous Yoga experience is not required.
(E) QRS Music Technologies - Lori Clutter and Mark Baughman, QRS
QRS Music Technologies is leading the way again! Building on our 120 year legacy of innovation, we’re introducing more new products. Come see the newest PNOmation products that will excite you and your customers.
Rebuilding & Shop
(E) All About Hammers - Alexander Abel & Norbert Abel, Abel Hammer Company
(E) Keyboard and Action Evaluation for the Rebuilder - Dean Reyburn, RPT & Aaron Reyburn Pianoworks
(B) Overview of the Grand Pre-Crowned Soundboard - Christian Bolduc, Bolduc Pianos
(B) Recapping the Vertical Bass Bridge w/o Removing the Plate - Christian Bolduc, Bolduc Pianos
(E) Shawn’s Shop Tour - Shawn Hoar, Connecticut Chapter
(E) Upright Hammer Hanging - Josi Davis, Brooks Ltd
(E) Woods of the Piano - Shawn Hoar, Connecticut Chapter
Service & Repair
(E) Complete Piano Service - Eric Johnson, RPT, Connecticut Chapter
(E) Install a New Damper Back Action Kit in a Less Than Perfect Vintage Grand Piano - Mike Ello, RPT, Houston, TX Chapter
(E) Introduction to the Piano Life Saver - Kelly Hollifield, Dampp-Chaser Corporation
(E) Piano Moving for Piano Technicians - Richard Lindahl, Connecticut Chapter
(E) Progressive Approach to Agraffe Repair - Mike Ello, RPT, Houston, TX Chapter
(E) Venue, Artist, Then Piano - Ed Tomlinson, RPT, Los Angeles, CA Chapter
(E) First Do No Harm - Steve Brady, RPT, Seattle, WA Chapter & Carl Lieberman, RPT, South Bay, CA Chapter
(E) Going the Extra Mile - Steve Brady, RPT, Seattle, WA Chapter
(E) Understanding the Drop Spinet Action - Randy Woltz, RPT, Orange County, CA Chapter
(E) ABC's of Tuning Hammers and Tuning Hammery - Charles Faulk, RPT, Faulk Pianos
(B) Bridging The Aural Divide: Teaching New Technicians ETD & Aural Skills From Day One! - Frank Illenberger, pianoscope
(E) Professional Pin Setting - Dan Levitan, RPT, New York City Chapter
(E) Speed vs Stability - Ed Tomlinson, RPT, Los Angeles, CA Chapter
(B) The Comma of Pythagoras - Emily Townsend, RPT, Boston, MA Chapter
(E) The Tuner’s Other Hand - Dan Levitan, RPT, New York City Chapter
(E) Tune – Refine – Confirm: A System for Developing Aural Skills - Jason Cassel, RPT, Salt Lake City, UT Chapter
(E) Tuning Stability - Robin Olson, RPT, Washington, DC Chapter
(E) Tuning Tips - Sally Phillips, Georgia
(E) Tuning Tutoring - Rick Butler, RPT, Washington, DC Chapter & Ward Guthrie, RPT, Montana Chapter
(B) Where To Listen - Nathan Mills, RPT, Augusta, GA Chapter
Voicing and Concert Prep
(E) Measuring Voicing - Maria Pollock, RPT, North Shore, IL Chapter
(E) Voicing: Behind-the-Scenes - Jason Cassel, RPT, Salt Lake City, UT Chapter
(E) Voicing Everyday - Ryan Sowers, RPT, Puget Sound, WA Chapter
RPT Exam Classes
(E) Take the RPT Written Examination - Exam Team
For PTG members only. You must bring your current PTG membership card with you to take the exam. This is your opportunity to take the RPT Written Exam online. Pre-register by sending an email request to:, and purchase a Voucher from the Home Office prior to the exam date. Examinees should come to the room indicated on the schedule. Bring your own internet-accessible device (tablet, laptop, phone, etc.). Visually impaired technicians will take their exams in the ETSC office. For PTG members only
(E) Understanding the PTG Tuning Exam - Exam Team
Taking an RPT Exam is a great opportunity to learn your strong and weak points, and to get certified as an RPT. We’ll explain the details of the Tuning Exam procedure and give tips for effective preparation. For PTG members only.
(E) Understanding the PTG Technical Exam - Exam Team
We will walk through the Technical Exam and its requirements. There will be examples of exam equipment, models, and jigs such as one would find on the test, including a preview of the new 3-note grand model which will be implemented in the near future. Come find out how to prepare for the exam, what tools and supplies you will need to bring to the exam site, and what examinees are entitled to before, during, and after the examination. Learn ways to best utilize your time, improve efficiency, and cope with exam anxiety and other strategies to help you successfully tackle the exam and become a part of your daily fieldwork. There will be plenty of time for Q&A. For PTG members only.
CTE Tuning Examiner Training - Exam Team
Detailed information for RPT members who are interested in assisting Tuning Exams and becoming a Certified Tuning Examiner. Also, discussion about effective exam administration and problem-solving tips for CTE's and assistant examiners. For RPTs only.
Classes for the Beginner and Everyone
New and not sure what to take? Maximize your experience with our customized schedule for the beginner! {LINK TO FILE}