RPT Exam Classes
(E) Take the RPT Written Examination
Exam Team
For PTG members only. You must bring your current PTG membership card with you to take the exam. This is your opportunity to take the RPT Written Exam online. Pre-register by sending an email request to: r.guenther.rpt@gmail.com, and purchase a Voucher from the Home Office prior to the exam date. Examinees should come to the room indicated on the schedule. Bring your own internet-accessible device (tablet, laptop, phone, etc.). Visually impaired technicians will take their exams in the ETSC office. For PTG members only
(E) Understanding the PTG Tuning Exam - Exam Team
Taking an RPT Exam is a great opportunity to learn your strong and weak points, and to get certified as an RPT. We’ll explain the details of the Tuning Exam procedure and give tips for effective preparation. For PTG members only.
(E) Understanding the PTG Technical Exam - Exam Team
We will walk through the Technical Exam and its requirements. There will be examples of exam equipment, models, and jigs such as one would find on the test, including a preview of the new 3-note grand model which will be implemented in the near future. Come find out how to prepare for the exam, what tools and supplies you will need to bring to the exam site, and what examinees are entitled to before, during, and after the examination. Learn ways to best utilize your time, improve efficiency, and cope with exam anxiety and other strategies to help you successfully tackle the exam and become a part of your daily fieldwork. There will be plenty of time for Q&A. For PTG members only.
(A) CTE Tuning Examiner Training - Exam Team
Detailed information for RPT members who are interested in assisting Tuning Exams and becoming a Certified Tuning Examiner. Also, discussion about effective exam administration and problem-solving tips for CTE's and assistant examiners. For RPTs only.