Action Regulation
(I, A) Action Bench Setup for Grand Regulating - Chris Brown, RPT, Boston, MA Chapter
(I, A) Fine (Fast) Fastidious Grand Regulation - David Jenkin, New Zealand
(I, A) Grand Action Rebuilding - Making the Right Choices - Rick Baldassin, RPT, Renner USA & Carl Teel, Salt Lake City Chapter
(I, A) Grand Regulation Actionpalooza - Rick Baldassin, RPT, Renner USA & Carl Teel, Salt Lake City, UT Chapter
(I) Grand Regulation – Tips and Tricks - Michah Sundholm, RPT, Eugene, OR Chapter
(I) The Piano in Slo-Mo - Scott Murphy, RPT, New York City, Chapter
(I, A) Refining the Grand Regulation - Chris Brown, RPT, Boston, MA Chapter
Business, Networking & Misc.
(I) Career Stability - Ed Foote, RPT, Nashville, TN Chapter
Design & History
(I, A) Action Power -- What Happens Between the Finger and the Strings - Del Fandrich, RPT, Puget Sound Chapter
Electronic Tuning Devices
(I) pianoscope: Understand Each Piano Like Never Before! - Frank Illenberger, pianoscope
Rebuilding & Shop
(I) All About Bridges - Jude Reveley, RPT, Boston, MA Chapter
(I, A) First Tier Performance From A Second Tier Concert Grand - David Hughes, RPT, Baltimore, MD Chapter
(A) Install a New Damper Back Action Kit in a Less Than Perfect Vintage Grand Piano - Starr Taylor, RPT, Southwest Florida Chapter
(I, A) Practical Applications for the Equation of Balance - Jude Reveley, RPT, Boston, MA Chapter
(I, A) Resurrecting Dead Soundboards - Del Fandrich, RPT, Puget Sound, WA Chapter
(I, A) Grand Action Rebuilding - Making the Right Choices - Rick Baldassin, RPT, Renner USA & Carl Teel, Salt Lake City Chapter
Service & Repair
(I) 5 Ways to Reshape Hammers - Ben Rocke, RPT, Vermont Chapter
Voicing and Concert Prep
(I, A) Fundamentals of Concert Service - Eric Johnson, RPT, Connecticut Chapter
RPT Exam Classes
CTE Tuning Examiner Training - Exam Team
Detailed information for RPT members who are interested in assisting Tuning Exams and becoming a Certified Tuning Examiner. Also, discussion about effective exam administration and problem-solving tips for CTE's and assistant examiners. For RPTs only.
Classes for the Intermediate or Advanced Technician
Not sure what to take to maximize your experience? Check out our pre-built schedules for the INTERMEDIATE or ADVANCED technician!