Solid Gold Forum

The 2025 convention theme is Learning Never Ends. No matter how long you have been a technician,
there is always something more to learn. 

Don’t miss a rare opportunity to hear six of our most revered technicians share their knowledge and experience as they answer your questions. Each one is a recipient of the Golden Hammer Award, the highest honor presented by the Piano Technicians Guild. Click the button below to submit your question for the panel!

Meet our Solid Gold Panel!

Ruth Zeiner, RPT joined PTG in 1981 and received the Golden Hammer in 2010. She is known for understanding the effects of humidity on pianos and for offering woodworking and refinishing tools and support. She and Webb Phillips built an independent business, Allied Piano and Finish, that has hired many technicians over the years. She enjoys teaching and helping others in any way she can at many PTG events, and is an active and passionate member of our industry.

Kent Swafford, RPT joined PTG in 1980 and received the Golden Hammer in 2011. He was PTG President from 2005 to 2007. Kent is especially known for his understanding of tuning theory and has taught many classes and written numerous Journal articles on that subject. He recently developed ways to apply the pure 12th equal temperament to many of the common tuning devices we use. He was a Certified Tuning Examiner for many years and continues to be a part of our Ask an Expert team.

Rick Baldassin, RPT joined PTG in 1978 and received the Golden Hammer in 2014. He is known for his understanding of tuning theory and developed the On Pitch series inro a book and accompanying videos (available from PTG), which extensively covers tuning theory. He has written numerous Journal articles and was the Journal’s tuning editor for a number of years. He has been an Institute instructor for 40 years; Actionpalooza is always in great demand. Rick also created the curriculum and serves as the head instructor for the Renner Academy. He is the national service manager for Fazioli Pianos and owns a store known for offering high-end pianos to clients.

Don Mannino, RPT joined PTG in 1982 and received the Golden Hammer in 2018. He was a wellknown piano technician in the San Diego area before becoming the national service manager for Young Chang Pianos in 1990. After that, he became the manager of technical support for the Kawai Piano Company in the US and Canada, and later was director of field service for Shigeru Kawai pianos.  Don was also the first North American technician certified as a Shigeru Kawai Master Piano Artisan. He retired from his work at Kawai at the end of 2022, and now is back to providing piano service for private customers. Don is a gifted teacher, with his Institute classes always in great demand. He has had articles on a variety of technical topics published in the Piano Technicians Journal, including action center service, a series on grand action regulation, and the use of plastics in piano actions.

Delwin D. Fandrich, RPT joined PTG in 1972 and received the Golden Hammer in 2023. He began rebuilding pianos at 17. He has taught at 37 annual PTG conventions as well as seminars in Canada, Europe, Australia, South Korea, and China. He was Director of Research and Development for the Baldwin Piano and Organ Company, worked with the Walter Piano Company on the development of their grand pianos, and was a design and manufacturing consultant to the Young Chang Piano Company. More recently he designed the unique 132 cm “semi-barless” Edelweiss grand for the English 1066 Piano Co. He also designed and built an upright piano that bears his name, receiving a patent for one of his soundboard designs. He is currently again working with the Walter Company helping to redesign their product line. Del has written more than 100 articles for the Journal. One of his favorite sayings is, “Conventional wisdom was a idiot.”

Jack Stebbins, RPT joined PTG in 1984 and received the Golden Hammer in 2024. He was on the Examinations and Test Standards committee for many years and received the Examiner of the Year award four times. Jack has perhaps participated in more tuning exams than any other person! He was an instructor at the North Bennet Street School for 29 years, and loves to teach others how to tune and maintain pianos to high standards. His love for people is evident, and he enjoys helping those wanting to learn however he can.