
(E) ABC's of Tuning Hammers and Tuning Hammery - Charles Faulk, RPT, Faulk Pianos

(B) Bridging The Aural Divide: Teaching New Technicians ETD & Aural Skills From Day One!  - Frank Illenberger, pianoscope

(E) Professional Pin Setting - Dan Levitan, RPT, New York City Chapter

(E) Speed vs Stability - Ed Tomlinson, RPT, Los Angeles, CA Chapter

(B) The Comma of Pythagoras - Emily Townsend, RPT, Boston, MA Chapter
The mathematical foundations of temperament tuning are elegantly simple, yet remain an illusive mystery to many in our trade. We'll use simple, elementary-level math to understand partials, interval relationships, why some intervals are tuned wide, and why some intervals are tuned narrow. This will be an upbeat, energetic class including time travel to ancient Greece, a visit from Donald Duck, aural examples from a real piano, and musical recordings comparing unequal temperaments.

(E) The Tuner’s Other Hand - Dan Levitan, RPT, New York City Chapter

(E) Tune – Refine – Confirm: A System for Developing Aural Skills - Jason Cassel, RPT, Salt Lake City, UT Chapter

(E) Tuning Stability - Robin Olson, RPT, Washington, DC Chapter

(E) Tuning Tips - Sally Phillips, Georgia

(E) Tuning Tutoring  - Rick Butler, RPT, Washington, DC Chapter & Ward Guthrie, RPT, Montana Chapter

(B) Where To Listen - Nathan Mills, RPT, Augusta, GA Chapter

This class focuses on where to "anchor" you ear when tuning the midrange. It's intended for new technicians, machine tuners and those preparing to take the tuning exam. We will also cover treble and bass tuning strategies.